Monday, April 27, 2009

Do Re Mi Sing Along

Here's some affordable fun* at a Belgian Train Station.


*This was posted when this blog was still called Affordable Fun -- I like it too much to delete it right now.  Note added 3/25/10     j9

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's All Opening Today

NELSON-ATKINS MUSEUM OF ART - Kansas City - Today the Nelson is opening the re-installation of The Amerian Collection. There are a few new acquisitions. There are many familiar favorites and a lot of those have been restored. Some have been returned to their original frames or more appropriate frames. It is truly magnificent. And it's free. What's more affordable than that?

KANSAS CITY FILM FESTIVAL - Starts today. In fact I should be there right now getting my first tickets -- but here I am at my post (take that any way you like).

Here's a link to the Fest:

And a link to the schedule:

And there's a reception or party every night.

It's at the new Mainstreet Theatre, which will have its grand opening in May. I got a preview and it's spectacular -- Used to be the Empire Theatre -- very la-di-da back when I was a lass.

Friday, April 3, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Help it Premiere in KC

Help bring this movie premiere to you favorite city.

The city with the most votes (Xs) gets the premiere, so go to


and register your vote.

And don't forget to send this link to your friends!

The winning town will be announced on April 20th.

Getting From Here to There

Google Maps - Issues? Here's a suggestion.

There's a lot to love about Google, even though it's size makes us nervous. I've been greatly impressed with Google Maps. It was exciting to be able to switch between satellite view and graphic maps. When we got "street view" I was blown away.

But my neighborhood? We've had some major building changes and there are little problems like a private, gated road I keep being routed through and an unmarked one way street.

Google has contracted with a Belgian company called Tele Atlas Global Crossroads. Tele Atlas insists that you make any changes yourself through an automated correction engine. You have to figure our the system and make one correction at a time. But my neighborhood has too many errors to fix that way and, well, you know, I'm not on their payroll. I should have dropped it right there.

But I had spent time on the ground confirming what street signs said and so forth. I wanted to send Tele Atlas an email and let a professional map corrector take care of my neighborhood. Their website says, "Our contact information is organized by country, so you can find the nearest Tele Atlas representative able to serve your specific needs. If you’re not sure whom to contact, call or email the headquarters nearest you. Simply select your region in the menu to the right." But there are no email addresses on the site.

I called Tele Atlas in Boston 1 800 331 7881. The first time I got automated out of the system. When I called again I stayed on the line through the menu, twice, and reached an operator who gave me an email address. Whew!

I sent my email. It will be interesting to see if any of the needed changes are made.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy 2009

The Whitman jottings I found yesterday reminded me of the wonderful New Year's email I received from my dear Russian friends. It was in Russian and I translated it with a free on-line translation service.

Even though New Year's Day is long past, I will extend this message to you -- consider it a springtime wish -- never mind the ice and snow. Though this felicitation contains some mystery, you will know what it means.
Here goes:

C наступающим праздником! И пусть Новый Год войдет в дом с такими же яркими лучами...
C by the advancing holiday! And let New Year will enter into the house with the same bright rays…

...и яркими красками....
… and by bright paints….

... И пусть жизненный путь будет таким же необозримым....
... And let life will be the same boundless….

... А хлопоты неощутимыми...
… But troubles imperceptible…

... Пусть приобретенные навыки будут устоявшимися...
… Let the acquired habits be those keeping balance…

... А обстановка в доме всегда остается умиротворенной...
… But the situation in the house always remains pacified…

... И устои нерушимыми...
… And abutments inviolable…

Пускай недруги станут белыми и пушистыми...
Let enemies will become white and downy…

Пускай одиночество отступит!.....
Let solitude will step back! .....

И прояснится небо над головами близких...
And sky above the heads of close ones will explain…

Желаю, чтобы в памяти оставалось только светлое!....
I desire so that in the memory would remain only bright! ….

Ведь мы так верим в птицу счастья....
Indeed we so believe in the bird of happiness….

...И свою счастливую звезду....
…And its happy star….

.... Что не может жизнь оказаться однообразной...
… That cannot the life prove to be monotonous…

... И черно-белой....
… And black and white….

Так давайте Верить, Любить, Творить и Желать ...
So give to believe, to love, to create and to desire…

... Лунных ночей с дорогими и близкими....
… Lunar nights with the expensive and the close ones….

... Светлых будней, искренних коллег, верных друзей...
… Bright working days, sincere associates, loyal friends…

....Ведь как многое можно успеть – не торопясь....
….Indeed as much it is possible to have time - without hurrying….

..... Увидеть – не приглядываясь, а просто сердцем ....
..... To see - without getting accustomed, and it is simple by heart…. .

..Услышать – не додумывая....
To hear - without finishing considering….

Так пускай звездопады приносят удачу!
So let star showers bring success!

И Счастье не топчется пусть за дверью!
And happiness is not trampled down let behind the door!

И дома никто никогда не плачет!
And the house no one never it does not cry!
(or) And houses no one cries never!

И душа наполняется надеждой и верой!
And soul is filled by hope and by faith!

Давайте не терять друг друга!
Give not to lose each other!

Прощать погрешности и неточности, недостатки и недоговоренности!
To pardon the error and inaccuracy, deficiencies and reticence!

Давайте учиться жить дружно, учиться Любить, учиться быть Любимыми!
Give to learn to live harmoniously, to learn to love, to learn to be dear!

С Новым 2009Годом!
With new 2009[Godom] !

И давайте выпьем за хороших людей – нас так мало осталось!
And give let us drink for good people - us so it is small it remained!
(or) And give let us drink to good people - us so little it remained!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Place Where Poems Begin

The mighty magic of light and air!

No wait!

Light and air

See Walt Whitman fragments at:

This one winds up:

Light and air!
Nothing ugly can be disgorged—

Nothing corrupt or dead set before them,
But it surely becomes translated or enclothed
Into supple youth or a dress of living richness
spring gushing out from under the roots of an old tree

barn-yard, pond, yellow jagged bank with white pebble stones
timothy, sassafras, grasshopper, pismire, rail-fence, rye,
oats, cucumbers musk-melons, pumpkin-vine,
long string of running blackberry—
regular sound of the cow crunching, crunching the grass—
the path worn in the grass—
katy-did, locust, tree-toad,
robin - wren -

It appears to never have been completed and published.
I liked "The mighty magic of light and air!"

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oscar Night Party - KC

The 15th Annual Oscar® Night America at the Macabre Cinema will be themed Haunted Hollywood. That means you may run into Marilyn Monroe or Bogie. Personally I'd like to have a little chat with Henry Fonda.

And it's all for a good cause. The event is a fundraiser for Variety - The Children's Charity of Greater Kansas City - Tent 8.

I don't know what the "Tent 8" is all about -- but nevermind.

They do this every year, providing wine and beer, hot and cold hors d'oeuvres buffet, dessert, and the chance to win exciting door prizes or two roundtrip airline tickets in the "Predict the Winners" contest.

I hear they're having a red carpet and I don't think my costume is red-carpet worthy, but I'm not going to let that stop me.

My favorite part, they telecast the academy awards so I get to see them on a big screen and hear the audience reaction.